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Summary of Contents for Siemens iQ500 MB535A0S0B/01
- Page 1 Double oven MB535A0.0B en Instruction manual...
- Page 3 Cleaning agent ......19 shop www.siemens-home.bsh-group.com/eshops...
- Page 4 Intended use 8Intended use (Important safety information R ead these instructions carefully. Only then I n t e n d e d u s e will you be able to operate your appliance G eneral information safely and correctly. Retain the instruction I m p o r t a n t s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n manual and installation instructions for future Warning –...
- Page 5 Important safety information Halogen lamp Warning – Risk of scalding! The accessible parts become hot during ■ Warning – Risk of burns! operation. Never touch the hot parts. Keep The bulbs in the cooking compartment children at a safe distance. become very hot.
- Page 6 Causes of damage ]Causes of damage 7Environmental protection G eneral information Y our new appliance is particularly energy-efficient. C a u s e s o f d a m a g e E n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n Here you can find tips on how to save even more Caution! energy when using the appliance, and how to dispose...
- Page 7 Environmental protection Open the appliance door as infrequently as possible ■ when the appliance is in use. It is best to bake several cakes one after the other. ■ The cooking compartment stays warm. This reduces the baking time for the second cake. You can place two cake tins next to each other in the cooking compartment.
- Page 8 Getting to know your appliance Depending on the appliance model, individual Note: *Getting to know your details and colours may differ. appliance Control panel I n this section, we will explain the indicators and You can set your appliance's various functions on the G e t t i n g t o k n o w y o u r a p p l i a n c e controls.
- Page 9 Getting to know your appliance To use the individual time-setting options, tap the in large digits on the display refers to the function that v button several times.If there are arrows ø above and this symbol represents. below a symbol, this means that the value being shown Types of heating and functions Use the function selector to set the types of heating and Not all heating functions and other functions are...
- Page 10 Getting to know your appliance Other functions Your new oven has yet more functions; see below for a brief description of these. Function Æ Bottom oven Rapid heating Preheats the cooking compartment rapidly without accessories. Interior lighting Switches on the interior lighting; all other functions remain off. Makes it easier to clean the cooking compartment, for example.
- Page 11 Accessories Make sure that the accessory is placed behind the lug _Accessories ‚ on the pull-out rail. Example in the picture: Universal pan Y our appliance is accompanied by a range of A c c e s s o r i e s accessories.
- Page 12 Accessories Optional accessories Locking function The accessories can be pulled out approximately You can buy optional accessories from the after-sales halfway until they lock in place. The locking function service, from specialist retailers or online. *You will find prevents the accessories from tilting when they are a comprehensive range of products for your appliance pulled out.
- Page 13 Before using for the first time KBefore using for the first Glass roasting dish For stews and bakes. time Glass pan For bakes, vegetable dishes and baked items. B efore you can use your new appliance, you must Clip-on rail B e f o r e u s i n g f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e make some settings.
- Page 14 Operating the appliance Rapid heating 1Operating the appliance With Rapid heating, you can shorten the heat-up time. Y ou have already learnt about the controls and how Then, for best results, use: O p e r a t i n g t h e a p p l i a n c e they work.
- Page 15 Time-setting options Example in the picture: Cooking time of 45 minutes. OTime-setting options Set the heating function and temperature or setting for the main oven Æ. Touch the v button twice. Y our appliance has different time-setting options. T i m e - s e t t i n g o p t i o n s The cooking time x is highlighted in the display.
- Page 16 Time-setting options Setting the end time Once your food is cooked, turn the function selector to the "Off" position to switch the appliance off. You can delay the time at which cooking is due to finish. You can, for example, put your food in the Changing and cancelling cooking compartment in the morning and set the You can use the A or @ button to change the end time.
- Page 17 Childproof lock Checking time-setting options AChildproof lock If time-setting options have been set, the corresponding symbols are lit up on the display. The symbol for which T he bottom oven has a childproof lock to prevent the time is currently being displayed will be indicated. C h i l d p r o o f l o c k children from switching it on or changing settings by To check the values for the different time-setting...
- Page 18 Basic settings Changing the basic settings QBasic settings The function selector must be set to the "Off" position. T here are various settings available to you in order to Press and hold the v button for approx. 4 seconds. B a s i c s e t t i n g s help use your appliance effectively and simply.
- Page 19 Cleaning agent DCleaning agent Door panels Hot soapy water: Clean with a dish cloth and then dry with a soft cloth. W ith good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain Do not use a glass scraper or a stainless steel C l e a n i n g a g e n t its appearance and remain fully functioning for a long scouring pad.
- Page 20 Cleaning agent Surfaces in the cooking compartment When the cooking compartment has cooled down, remove the brown or white residue with water and a soft Enamel surfaces are smooth. Self-cleaning surfaces are sponge. rough. When the appliance is running, reddish spots Note: Cooking compart- Main oven...
- Page 21 Cleaning function If you would like to cancel the cleaning function, switch .Cleaning function the appliance off by turning the function selector to the "Off" position. T he cleaning function is used to clean the self-cleaning C l e a n i n g f u n c t i o n surfaces in the cooking compartment.
- Page 22 Rails Attaching the rails pRails The rails only fit on the right or the left side. For both rails, ensure that the curved rods are at the front. W ith good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain R a i l s First, insert the rail in the middle of the rear socket ‚, its appearance and remain fully functional for a long until the rail rests against the cooking compartment...
- Page 23 Rails First, push the shelf support into the middle of the Keep the "PUSH" tab pushed back and swing the rail rear socket ‚ until the shelf support rests against the out (fig. " cooking compartment wall, and then push it back ƒ (fig.
- Page 24 Appliance door Push the retainer at the back in between the lower qAppliance door and the upper bar (fig. " W ith good care and cleaning, your appliance will retain A p p l i a n c e d o o r its appearance and remain fully functional for a long time to come.
- Page 25 Appliance door Tilt the condensate trough up and remove it (fig. Push each panel in at the top (fig. Put the cover back in place and press on it until you Clean the panels with glass cleaner and a soft cloth. Wipe the condensate trough with a cloth and some hot hear it click into place (fig.
- Page 26 Appliance door The hinges on the appliance door move when Fitting panels ■ opening and closing the door, and you may be Slide each panel back in and make sure that it is trapped. Keep your hands away from the hinges. sitting correctly at the bottom in the retainer (fig.
- Page 27 Trouble shooting Close the two locking levers on the left and right 3Trouble shooting (fig. I f a fault occurs, there is often a simple explanation. T r o u b l e s h o o t i n g Before calling the after-sales service, please refer to the fault table and attempt to correct the fault yourself.
- Page 28 Customer service Replacing the bulb in the top of the cooking 4Customer service compartment If the cooking compartment light bulb fails, it must be O ur after-sales service is there for you if your appliance replaced. Heat-resistant, 25 watt, 230 V halogen bulbs C u s t o m e r s e r v i c e needs to be repaired.
- Page 29 Programmes Unsuitable cookware: PProgrammes Cookware made of bright, shiny aluminium, unglazed clay or plastic, and cookware with plastic handles, is not suitable. Y ou can use the various programmes to prepare food P r o g r a m m e s very easily in the main oven.
- Page 30 Programmes Programme Food Cookware Add liquid Shelf posi- Set weight Information tion Beef olives Stuffed with vege- Roaster with Add stock, water or Total weight Do not sear the meat tables or meat another liquid to the of all the beforehand dish until the beef olives stuffed beef...
- Page 31 Tested for you in our cooking studio information can be found in the baking tips listed after JTested for you in our the settings tables. cooking studio Remove unused accessories from the cooking compartment. This will ensure that you achieve the best possible cooking results and energy savings of up to H ere, you can find a selection of dishes and the ideal 20 per cent.
- Page 32 Tested for you in our cooking studio Baking on two or more levels Use hot air. Items that are placed in the oven on baking trays or in baking tins/dishes at the same time will not necessarily be ready at the same time. Baking on two levels: Universal pan: Position 3 ■...
- Page 33 Tested for you in our cooking studio Baking on two or more levels Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of heat- Temperature Time in minutes tion in °C Victoria sponge cake, 2 levels 4x Ø20cm tins 150-160* 20-30 Scones, 2 levels 2 baking sheets on 2 wire racks 160-180* 10-20...
- Page 34 Tested for you in our cooking studio The baked item is too dark in colour Select a lower temperature next time and extend the baking time if necessary. overall. The baked item is unevenly browned. Select a slightly lower temperature. Protruding greaseproof paper can affect the air circulation.
- Page 35 Tested for you in our cooking studio Follow the manufacturer's instructions for your roasting Recommended setting values dishes. The table lists values for poultry, meat and fish, with default values for the weight. Roasting in uncovered cookware The setting values are based on the assumption that It is best to use a deep roasting dish for roasting poultry unstuffed, chilled, ready-to-roast poultry, meat or fish is and meat.
- Page 36 Tested for you in our cooking studio Roasting, braising and grilling in the bottom oven Roasting and Braising Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of heat- Temperature in °C Time in minutes tion Slow roast joint (beef) Cookware, uncovered 50+50 Beef top side / top rump Cookware, uncovered 40+30 Lamb leg (bone-in)
- Page 37 Tested for you in our cooking studio Grilling Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of heat- Grill setting Time in minutes tion Beef steak, height 2-3cm, medium Wire rack 1. side 11-13 2. side 4-6 Beef burger, height 1-2cm Wire rack 1.
- Page 38 Tested for you in our cooking studio Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of heat- Grill setting Time in minutes tion Beef, burger, height 1-2cm Wire rack 1. side 10-12 2. side 6-8 Lamb, steaks, height 2-3cm Wire rack 1. side 6-8 2.
- Page 39 Tested for you in our cooking studio Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of heat- Temperature Time in minutes tion in °C Pizza, frozen, thick base, 2 levels Universal pan + wire rack 190-210 20-30 Oven chips, Croquettes, frozen Universal pan 190-210 25-35 Oven chips, frozen, 2 levels...
- Page 40 Tested for you in our cooking studio Tips for keeping acrylamide to a minimum Biscuits With top/bottom heating at max. 190 °C. With hot air at max. 170 °C. Egg or egg yolk reduces the production of acrylamide. Oven chips Spread out a single layer evenly on the baking tray.
- Page 41 Tested for you in our cooking studio the jars to continue to bubble in the closed cooking The indicated times in the settings table are average compartment as indicated in the table. After this time values for preserving fruit and vegetables. They may be has elapsed, switch off the appliance and make use of influenced by room temperature, the number of jars, the residual heat for several minutes as indicated in the...
- Page 42 Tested for you in our cooking studio Use the following shelf positions when defrosting: Remove frozen food from its packaging and place it 1 wire rack: Position 2 onto the wire rack in suitable cookware. ■ 2 wire racks: Positions 3 + 1 ■...
- Page 43 Tested for you in our cooking studio Food Dish Shelf posi- Type of Tempera- Time in tion heating ture in °C / minutes grill setting Shortbread, 3 levels Baking trays + universal pan 5+3+1 130 - 140* 35 - 55 Small Cakes Baking tray 150-160*...
- Page 44 *9001341310* 9001341310 990215...
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